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Inside the brochure:

Morrison's 2:1 Product Lane Combiners automate the combining of two lanes of product into one for downstream equipment.

Options available for the systems:

  • Timing [feed] screw material, color, and length
  • Gearmotor, 56C motor, or Servo driven
  • Washdown capable models
  • Ability to run over 1000 containers per minute

Download Our Brochure

Learn more about our three different combiner models.

Three Standard Systems Offered

We offer three standard product lane combiners that can run round, oval, or square containers. 

Simple Combiner

This system utilizes timing screw technology to accept two separate lanes of product and discharge them out of phase so rails can accept the containers and finish the combine. 

Smart Combiner

This model is perfect for scenarios where you might have one lane shut down. In the event of one lane down, the system continues to run containers with no

Dynamic Combiner

If you need to run any speed over 1000 containers per minute with an unstable container, this system is the best option available to you to maintain positive control of the container.